Greeting Good Gentles and welcome to another edition of the Blue Strand,
What an amazing month it has been. Krae Glas celebrated it’s second anniversary in a very beautiful tournament style. Both Heavy and Rapier fighters fought for the honour on the field and the points to win the day. It was truly amazing to see.
In the Winter Rapier Tournament Series we saw that even a Viking sometimes requires honour above all else, to win the day. Leif won the mantle of captain of the guard with honour points breaking the tie for first place.
If you didn’t understand the rules of this day of honour, have no fear. Our own Don Everard Sefar has provided an account which is published in this very issue.
I do hope you enjoy this edition.
And without further ado, I give you the wonder that was August.
Veronica Bellini
Issue 2013-07 August 2013