Great Southern Gathering VII

The Barony of Krae Glas invites you to the 7th Great Southern Gathering.

2nd – 4th October

Come and participate in a weekend of Arts and Sciences workshops and activities, including combat, in a relaxed environment, focused on sharing and learning new skills. Weekend cost includes all meals and camping, and limited Cabins are also available (with priority initially given to interstate travellers) for an additional cost. Day rates are also available. Continuing the GSG tradition, garb is optional until the Saturday evening feast onwards.

Teach a class (or two), attend workshops, participate in Guild Prize Combat, or join in on the first Medieval Masterchef cooking competition, which will occur in rounds across the weekend. Feast on good food, with excellent company, and share in the wealth of skills and knowledge the Southern part of Lochac has to offer.

The success of this event relies on the populace sharing their expertise with others, so please volunteer to teach a class. Please contact Lady Veronica Bellini on ASAP if you are able to teach a workshop with details about the workshop you would like to teach.

The GSG 2015 schedule Draft 2 is now up.

Pricing (prior to 1/9 – after add $5)
Whole event Adult (Camping) – $95, Day Costs available – see below.
Whole event Adult (Cabin) – $115 (Priority given to wayfarers)
Children under 14, less $20, Non Members, Plus $5
1 Day Trip Adult (No Food) – $25 1 Day Trip Minor (No Food) – $15 2 Day Adult (No Food) – $35
2 Day Minor (No Food) – $20

Steward and Booking Officer: Don Everard Sefar
Co Steward: Lord Miguel Rodriguez de Santiago
Feast Steward: Lady Arganhell merch Briauc

Further Information:
Bookings: Online Booking Form (
Location: Clifford Park Scout Activity Centre
7 Clifford Drive
Wonga Park, Vic 3115