SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2022 AT 10 AM – 10 PM – All Hallows Eve

Facebook Event – Come and experience the roots of the celebration we know as Halloween. Once again the Barony of Krae Glas will be holding the All Hallows Eve event. A night when the veil between this world and the next was thought to be at it thinnest. Strange …

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 AT 11 AM – The Day of Honourable Champions

Join Krae Glas as we gather to choose our new Armoured, Rapier, and Arts & Sciences Baronial champions. Tournaments and displays aplenty! Then, help us celebrate our new Champions along with our belated 10th Birthday by feasting with our fellow Krae Glassians (+/- Stomholders/Lochacians/SCAdians…). The theme for this event will …