SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 AT 11 AM – The Day of Honourable Champions

Join Krae Glas as we gather to choose our new Armoured, Rapier, and Arts & Sciences Baronial champions. Tournaments and displays aplenty! Then, help us celebrate our new Champions along with our belated 10th Birthday by feasting with our fellow Krae Glassians (+/- Stomholders/Lochacians/SCAdians…). The theme for this event will …

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2022 AT 12 PM Crafthall and Planning Meeting – Honourable Champions Edition

Please come along to this Crafhall and help our stewarding team prep for the big event. We need help with finding and sorting equipment, making tokens, schedule planning, etc. Since this is our first major event since the plague, we would appreciate any advice or assistance. Feel free to come …

Relay for Life

This is your call to arms (feet), a rallying cry and your handcrafted invitation to take up the fight for the noblest of causes. On November 16th & 17th we shall trample upon the scourge that is Cancer, walk the somewhat circular path of hope and community that is the …