Summer Twilight Tourney Series – Love: Fate vs Chance | Krae Glas, 15 February Tournament

The Summer Twilight Tourney Series continues in February with Love: Fate vs Chance! Long have people debated whether Love is predetermined by Fate, or if people meet solely by Chance. Join us we attempt to solve this eternal mystery by exploring the history of Saint Valentine’s Day, making tokens of …

Wednesday 12 April until Monday 17 April 2023 – Festival 2023 – OEG Camp Wombaroo

Hark to those who travel from afar To the lands on which we gather To laugh and feast, to fight, art, and dream And join together upon Rowany’s fields. Their Excellencies Juliana and ibn Jelal invite one and all to Rowany Festival 2023. This is the largest event for the …