Event Summary for March 2025

The Krae Glas calendar continues to be bursting at the seams in March!

By popular demand, our Tablet Weaving class is returning to Crafthall! Whether you missed out last year, or just want to fine tune your skills, we’ll be at The Dolphin’s Keep (24 Mons Parade, Noble Park) from 2pm on the 8th! If you have spare 8ply yarn, an inkle loom &/or weaving tablets/cards, please bring them, though we will do our best to have supplies available.

In preparation for Festival, Crafthall will ALSO play host to a market! Whether you’re looking to buy some secondhand garb to fill out your wardobe, sell your creations, or simply destash that unused fabric that’s been taking up space in your craft room since A.S. [REDACTED], this is the place to go! There will be no vendor/table fees (other than the usual Crafthall entry price), so this is a great way to clear out your old SCA supplies without spending a lot of time or money! Any sellers who would like their wares promoted in advance, please let us know.

On Saturday the 15th we have the final part of our Summer Twilight Tourney Series! Held at Oakleigh Hall (142 Drummond St, Oakleigh) from 11am, Ides of March will be a newcomer-friendly event with both Heavy and Rapier tournaments as well a feast in the evening! Don’t mind the name, there’s definitely no assassinations planned on the day…

The annual Krae Glas vs Stormhold Chess Challenge event will be held from midday on Saturday the 29th at the Dolphin’s Keep! Our best Chess players are called to compete in the giant Chess game & there will be Chess themed tournaments for those who prefer to battle it out on the list field!

March also sees the return of our monthly (ish) Archery Training! From 1-4pm on Sunday the 16th of March, we’ll be back at Noble Park Secondary College preparing for war!

Lastly, our Thursday Night Gathering & Training sessions will run as per usual, with Heavy & Rapier training (as well as socialising & casual Arts & Sciences) happening at The Dolphin’s Keep from 7pm on the 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th. For more information on any of this month’s events, please see our website or the relevant event pages on Facebook.