Officer History

Barons and Baronesses of the Barony of Krae Glas

  • Jon Dai of the Lane and Margie of Glen More, A.S. LV (August 2020) – Present
  • Gilbert Purchase and Bethony Gaitskell, A.S. LI (October 2016) – A.S. LV (August 2020)
  • Cormac Lenihan and Elspeth Caerwent, A.S. XLVI (August 2011) – A.S. LI (October 2016)

Seneschals of the Barony of Krae Glas

  • Ysabel Norrice, A.S. LVIII (2024) – Present
  • Airdin Mac Dara, A.S. LV (2021) – A.S. LVIII (2024)
  • Thorgrim Dvergr, A.S. LV (2020) – (2021)
  • Nicolette Dufay, A.S. LIII (2018) – LV (2020)
  • Leif Magnusson, A.S. L (2015) – LIII (2018)
  • Miguel Rodriguez de Santiago, A.S. L (2015)
  • Gilbert Purchase, A.S. L (2015)
  • Gwir verch Madog, A.S. XLVIII (2013) – L (2015)
  • Martyn Fairchild of Grenhamerton, A.S. XLVI (2012) – XLVIII (2013)
  • Yves de Lyle, A.S. XLIV (2009)  – XLVI (2011)

Seneschals of the Shire of Krae Glas

  • Yves de Lyle, A.S. XLIV (2010)  – XLVI (2011)
  • Emma de Lastone, A.S. XXXIX (2005) – XLIV (2010)
  • Karel of the Three Isles, A.S. XXXVII (2003) – XXXIX (2005)

Seneschals of the Canton of Krae Glas

  • Honey of the Forest, A.S. XXXVII (2002-2003)
  • Cormac Lenihan, A.S. XXXIV (2000) – XXXVII (2002)
  • Leif Brusi Magnusson, A.S. XXXI (1997) – XXXIV (2000)
  • Jane Harcourt of Wallyngford, A.S. XXX (1995) – XXXI (1997)
  • Yvonne-Yvette de Plumetot, A.S. XXIX (1994) – XXX (1995)

Champions of Krae Glas

Arts and Sciences Champion of Krae Glas

  • Muireach Mac Gréine, A.S. LVIII (2024)
  • Miriam Galbraith, A.S. LIII (2018 – A.S. LIV (2019)
  • Isaelfr Hilditonn Heilvesdottir, A.S. LII (2017) – A.S. LIII (2018)

Rapier Combat Champion of Krae Glas

  • Airdin Mac Dara, A.S. LVIII (2024)
  • Seumas Mac Thorsteyn, A.S. LIII (2018) – A.S. LIV (2019)
  • Seumas Mac Thorsteyn, A.S. LII (2017) – A.S. LIII (2018)

Archery Combat Champion of Krae Glas

  • Ida Noe, A.S. LVIII (2024)
  • Airdan Mac Dara, A.S. LIII (2018) – A.S. LIV (2019)
  • Thorgrim Dvergr, A.S. LII (2017) – A.S. LIII (2018)

Armoured Combat Champion of Krae Glas

  • Cormac Lenihan, A.S. XLV (2024)
  • Nikophoros Gorgonites, A.S. LIII (2018) – A.S. LIV (2019)
  • Cormac Lenihan, A.S. LII (2017) – A.S. LIII (2018)
  • Airdan Mac Dara, A.S. L (2015) – A.S. LI ( 2016)
  • Gilbert Purchase, A.S. XLIX (2014) – A.S. XLV (2015)
  • Lucas Von Aych, A.S. XLVIII (2013) – A.S. XLIX (2014)
  • Gilbert Purchase, A.S. XLVII (2012) – A.S. XLVIII (2013)
  • Gilbert Purchase, A.S. XLVI (2011) – A.S. XLVII (2012)
  • Zhou Long Xi Xhan Sheng, A.S. XLIV (2010) – A.S. XLV (2011)