The Ides of March – Saturday 15th March
Location: Oakleigh Hall 142-144 Drummond St, Oakleigh VIC 3166, Australia Eerie rumbles of thunder and flashes of lightning have torn through the skies of the Barony. Spectral whispers, ominous portents, and the haunting cries of owls have kept us in a constant state of fear. This is a strange time, …
Summer Twilight Tourney Series – Love: Fate vs Chance | Krae Glas, 15 February Tournament
The Summer Twilight Tourney Series continues in February with Love: Fate vs Chance! Long have people debated whether Love is predetermined by Fate, or if people meet solely by Chance. Join us we attempt to solve this eternal mystery by exploring the history of Saint Valentine’s Day, making tokens of …
Battle on the High C’s
January Twilight Tournament Come m’hearties, for a Battle on the High C’s (that’s. C for Cardboard).It’s Summer and Clan Brechin & Friends would like to invite you to get Creative with Cardboard boxes and make a ship to battle it out to be the Conquerors of the Clan Brechin Seas. …
Days of Honour: Royal Visit
Great populace, we plan on having a celebration!! You are invited on the 14-15th of September to come and celebrate with The Barony of Krae Glas the Joy and things that we love about the SCA. We are having a fun, joyful and celebrating weekend as we run tournaments, feasts, …
High Tide Challenge 2024
Ynys Fawr and Stormhold have a line to draw… in the sand. To resolve this dispute, the baronies are holding a weekend of… measuring contests… to determine the full extent of each baronies’ territory with a weekend of beach side fun. WHEN May 17 – May 19 2024 WHERE Grossmans …
Event Summary for March 2025
The Krae Glas calendar continues to be bursting at the seams in March! By popular demand, our Tablet Weaving class is returning to Crafthall! Whether you missed out last year, or just want to fine tune your skills, we’ll be at The Dolphin’s Keep (24 Mons Parade, Noble Park) from …