Arts & Science Champions

The role of the Baronial champions is to inspire others in the Barony to excel in their chosen endeavour, be it martial (archery, armoured combat, unarmoured combat, equestrian).

2024 | Muireach Mac Gréine | Giornata dei Campioni (Day of Champions)

After a long dormant period of inactivity due to the global plague, it was an open arts and science submission. With Muireach, he had composed and sung a war song in celebration of a fighter he had seen at a previus event.

2018-2019 | Dame Miriam Galbraith

An open arts and sciences display was held where you bring whatever projects you have been working on in the past year (finished or unfinished were both welcome). Many diverse works were presented, from spoken word, curved shields, embroidery, costuming and painting. But ultimately it was once again the entrant of a woven garment that took the victory by Dame Miriam Galbraith.

2017-2018 | Isaelfr Hilditonn Heilvesdottir

Isaelfr Hilditonn Heilvesdottir was the Barony of Krae Glas’ Arts and Sciences Champion. Isaelfr created a 10th century Nordic dress, by taking the wool of Icelandic sheep, dying it with wode, spinning it, weaving it, then stitching that into a dress. She also dyed a separate batch of wool in a contrasting peach colour using period dyes, and wove that to make the braid along the top of the dress. She made the brooches by her own hand, and accompanied these with two strings of lampwork beads.