Date: Saturday, August 22, 2015
Knowledge of arms, tenacity in battle, constitution and aesthetic are all rewarded in both the rapier and heavy tournaments, but ultimately Honour shall win the day. A late period German feast, set in the era of 1500AD, themed around Cranach the Elder’s ‘Fountain of Youth’.
Tournament: Sherwood Park, Sherwood Road, Mount Waverley
Tournament format was based on a 16th century tournament: fighters ask any other fighter to enter the list field upon the marsh.
Feast: Mount Waverley Youth Centre, 14 Miller Crescent, Mt Waverley
The following gentles were granted these awards by Cormac and Elspeth, First Baron and Baroness of Krae Glas
Download the feast recipes: Ehrentagfeastguide2015
Event steward: Lord Gilbert Purchase
Feast steward: Lady Bethony Gaitskell