Welcome to the Barony of Krae Glas!

Credit - Rachel Vess/Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora
Baron Jon (Left) and Baroness Margie (Right). Credit – Rachel Vess/Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora


The Barony of Krae Glas is a chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) based in the south-east region of Melbourne, Australia.  Travel back in time with us to the middle ages and recreate the customs, costumes, and combat of the pre-17th century era. We welcome and encourage all peoples of diverse ages and backgrounds to get involved with the Society. We meet weekly to practice our crafts or train in martial combat, and host regular events where we gather to socialise, display our skills, or simply revel in the atmosphere.

The activities of the barony encompass a broad range of pre-17th century activities, from costuming, cooking, music, dancing, armouring, brewing, calligraphy, woodwork, embroidery, and any of arts and sciences of the middle ages. We recreate weapons and armour, we learn the techniques to use them, and compete in tournaments. You can take part in many martial activities, from armoured combat, fencing, archery and equestrian. We hold feasts where there is food, dancing, singing and merriment. All you need to do to get started is to come along!

We strive to conduct ourselves as nobles of the middle ages, therefore the only thing required is that you make an attempt at wearing pre-17th century clothing, and try to avoid the look and feel of the modern world. We also welcome all ranges of authenticity based on your ability, budget, interest and knowledge, ranging from covering over modern items, through to a completely authentic outfit/food/equipment. It can take time and resources to recreate a pre-17th century appearance, therefore we have items available to loan to newcomers at events. Krae Glas prides itself on being a safe space for everyone, so if you are uncertain about how to participate, (what do I wear to my first event? What should I bring? Who do I ask about…?) feel free to contact our Chatelaine who will be more then happy to help.

Come join us at one of our upcoming events or regular meetings. If you want to join in the casual conversation of the group, go to our Facebook group and introduce yourself or follow the Facebook Page for easier access to event details.. Alternately, for an idea of what the SCA is all about, read a newcomer to Krae Glas’ story, or visit www.scademo.com.


For more information on Lochac’s response COVID-19, please visit the Kingdom information page, and please remember to wash your hands, and stay safe! 

KG Group Photo 2022

Event Summary for June
Our ongoing quest to make Crafthall as fun as possible continues in July with some major changes! In the past we have played with moving the...
Read More "Event Summary for June"
Baronial Bi-monthly Combat Archery Training ( 1PM – 4PM)
Combat archery training is back on! Come to Krae Glas to learn this incredibly fun application of archery. We will run through skills to set you...
Read More "Baronial Bi-monthly Combat Archery Training ( 1PM – 4PM)"
Crafthall and Planning Meeting
Saturday 11 May 2024 When:Every second Saturday monthly, 12pm - 4pm - Check the facebook group for updates.Council meeting starts at around 12-1pm.Where:Greater Dandenong District Scout...
Read More "Crafthall and Planning Meeting"

Combined Victorian SCA Calendar

Regular Activities

The Barony of Krae Glas holds regular meetings (weekly and monthly) where members of the group come together to work on projects or train in martial activities. These meetings are casual and non-garbed, and are for anyone in the group to come together and discuss ideas, try new things, or just to get their regular medieval socialisation. These meetings are an ideal time to get to know the members of the Barony, ask questions, find out what we do, or give something a go.

We also hold events, such can include a variety of activities like tournaments, feasts, creative arts and sciences competitions, camping events or wars, where members dress up in pre-17th century attire and recreate medieval life.

Weekly/monthly meetings

  • Weekly Arts and Armoured Combat: Every Wednesday at Monash University, members meet to work on crafts and projects, and hone their skills in armoured combat.
  • Weekly Baronial CombatEvery Thursday at Greater Dandenong District Scout Centre – Next to Noble Park Station, alternating weekly between fencing or armoured combat.
    • Weekly Renaissance Fencing: Each Thursday, we study and practice styles of rapier sword-fighting found in Europe during the Renaissance period.
    • Weekly Armoured Combat: Each Thursday, we focus on training both ourselves and newer members on the SCA armoured combat system and Collegians to meet those of the greater Barony.
  • Monthly Crafthall: Once a month, bring a project of your own, or help work on a group project, or armour-up! This is a great time to practise anything you have an interest in, and get talking about what’s happening in the barony. Crafthall dates can be found on the calendar.
    • Monthly Council Meeting: This is for the council to get together and discuss the business-end of the barony, and is where bids for events are approved. This can be held at the monthly Crafthall, but can occasionally be held online. If you are looking for the date of the next meeting, this will be noted in the current month’s meeting minutes.

Attending SCA Activities and Meetings

  • Attire: You can wear modern clothes to the meetings (we wear our pre-17th century clothes at events)
  • Membership: You can become an SCA member by completing this online form. Membership is $35 per year for individuals, and dependent children are free. Non-members can attend SCA activities and events by paying an additional $5 insurance levy at the door.
  • Payment and bookings: You do not need to book for one of our regular weekly or monthly meetings. For an upcoming event, check the upcoming event details for booking and payment information, or contact the seneschal if you are unsure.
  • Sign in: You will be asked to sign in at each SCA meeting or event. There will be a designated table for sign in, and there will be a person (constable) to assist you with this process.


The SCA formed among a group of friends enthused about medieval life, who decided to create a world that would bring to life the culture and pageantry of the medieval period in the context of modern life. Now 50 years on, the SCA continues to attract young and old to explore life style, culture and combat of arms from around the world as it was known to the West before 1600AD.


Arts Activities include costume making, life style, music, dance, food and feasting, calligraphy and anything practised before 1600AD.

Martial Activities including armoured combat, rapier combat, cut & thrust Renaissance swordsmanship, equestrian and archery.


Annual SCA membership is $45 and can be purchased online here
Non-members attending SCA events pay an extra $10 insurance levy.