Baronial Bi-monthly Combat Archery Training ( 1PM – 4PM)

Combat archery training is back on! Come to Krae Glas to learn this incredibly fun application of archery.

We will run through skills to set you up for success on the SCA war field, including one on one bouts, moving as a unit and dodging.

Newbies welcome – we will try to get you out on the field pending loaner kit availability (16s and over only).

For those not in armour, we will have targets for you to shoot at, some of which may be moving. NOTE: NO target points, combat authorised blunts only at this event.

Please remember to bring your water, sunscreen and snacks.

THIS IS A NON-GARBED event. But do feel free to do so.

If you would like to avoid paying insurance fees for this and future events, we would love to have you as a member. Click here to join now:

When:26 May 2024 | 21 July 2024 | September 2024
Where:Noble Park Secondary College – 3 Callaghan St, Noble Park VIC 3174
Cost:$10 adult member
$5 minor/concession member
$20 adult non-member (including $10 insurance fee)
$15 adult concession non-member (including $10 insurance fee)
$10 minor non-member (including $5 insurance fee)

***Concession holders MUST present their student card, healthcare card or equivalent proof to qualify for concession rate at sign in.***